Sunday, November 12, 2017


Old Smut Face has ways of reaching out his gnarled freakish evil extended fingers into any and all situations.  He also sends spies.   My circle of WHOM I ACTUALLY TRUST just got dramatically smaller.  Be a friend to my face. Yet, be a gossip and tale bearer behind my back.  Go ahead.  What do you think your gossipy little compadres are saying about you?  Behind YOUR back?

I'm NOT interested in gossip.  I'm not interested in any of it.  Oh, I used to be right in the thick of it.  I admit it.  And no, I'm not proud of that.  But I did learn... and at least I'm adult enough to admit it.  And I'm not mad.  Honest.  Hurt a little? Oh yeah.  That I am.  But drawing in further to my bubble.  I'm not perfect.  But at least I'm honest about it.

Loving your neighbour..  that I can do.  Doesn't mean falling for their fake friendship.  Lies.  Backstabbing.  Etc.   Omitting truths is the same as lying, in case there was some confusion.  

So yes.  I'm aware of spies.  Those tools of the devil.  I just don't say anything.  When you finally notice I've pulled back... and quit being such a happy puppy around you... maybe then you'll figure it out.  Maybe.  Pride does blind you, after all.

Being a happy puppy has not done me any good.  It's set me up.  Made me an easy target.  Made me easy to use.  Not every nutcase is going to be as obvious as a crybaby public rant.  Some actually (the ones with brains) have sense enough to keep it private.  At least the loud dumb ones you can SEE coming.  Because they like the show.  The love the audience and pitifully, crave the attention.  It's sad really.

The quiet sneaky ones..  that's the ones who have to be careful about.  It's like unwilling playing a game you've never played before.  You aren't quite sure what the next move is going to be, and the rules (to them) don't matter.  

I'm not playing their stupid game.  You're either my friend or you're not.  It's really pretty simple.  Stop the pretending.  If I wanted drama, I'd go back to junior high.  Which evidently is where some folks are perpetually stuck.  Geez you're not 14 anymore.  For your own sakes.  Graduate yourself out of there. Grow up.  Start acting like an adult.  Hold yourself to a higher standard.  Learn what integrity means. 

My friends.  My real friends are precious and few.  They matter.  They count.  They don't play these stupid games because they can't stand the b.s., and the drama.  They actually have adult lives to live, with adult responsibilities.  They know right from wrong.  They have integrity.  They're not fake.  They ARE genuine.  I'd rather have but ONE single friend in the whole world, then be surrounded by fakes with no integrity.