Friday, August 15, 2014

Tuna on a Solemnity.. D'oh! And Why I'm Sticking to Meatless Fridays the Rest of the Year. :)

I cook every single solitary day.  Well.  Nearly.   And as Catholic converts who are rather traditionally minded, we do the 'meatless Fridays'.  It was not always that way.   We've only been meatless maybe three years or so.  One of the things, like many other things, that we've been led to doing.

So here I am.  It's Friday.  A Holy Day of Obligation since today is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother.. we of course attended mass this morning, and we come home and BECAUSE it's Friday we have tea and bagels with cream cheese.. (no meat) and I go about making a big bowl of tuna egg salad BECAUSE it's a Friday...  and then, there's hubby.. giving bits of beef jerky to our two dogs for a treat.   Even the dogs are denied meat on Fridays.  And there he is.. and suddenly it hits me.

That moment when you realize, that, after having made a vat of tuna egg salad for the familys meatless Friday meal, that today is a Solemnity. Yep. Today's one of those rare Friday meat eating days. And what did I fix? TUNA! (smacks self) This will teach me to pay attention better. I hope. *sighs*
Can. 1251: Abstinence from eating meat or some other food according to the prescripts of the conference of bishops is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
This article is great for why we are meatless all the OTHER Fridays of the year. :)

Why I'm Sticking to Meatless Fridays | Catholic Answers

Friday, August 8, 2014

My Birthday Girls

Holy Moses!  Can it really have been since February since I last posted?    I knew it'd been a while, but sheesh!!

So let's see.  What's new?  Well, my youngest daughter, Robyn, who has autism and is in Special Olympics, is a Gold Medal State Champion in  her division for Bocce.  Oh yes, we are proud. :)   She will be competing tomorrow, (Saturday) for County Swimming.  She is going to compete in the 25 meter backstroke.  She is not a strong swimmer, but has gotten so much better by leaps and bounds.. I am so proud of  her!   Because she is legally blind, she uses prescription swim goggles... which is a good thing..  being in the middle of an Olympic sized swimming pool and not being able to see which direction to go in and where the sides are, is frightening.   We love those goggles!   Much to my amusement, she also wears them when she helps me in the kitchen slicing onions.  LOL!  She swears it cuts down on the burning eyes!

Robyn will be 14 on Tuesday.  It's interesting having a special needs child.  They are not like other kids.  I still have to fix her hair.  She has no interest in cosmetics.  Still totes around a plushie pony toy and plays with her doll house.  She tickles me to death. :)  I love how her mind works, and the things that she says just cracks me up.  She has a funny way of putting things.. we call them "Robyn-isms".   My funny, quirky girl. :)

Robyn attended a birthday of one of her friends and teammates on Monday.  I was tickled watching them interact.  This young man had turned 21.  He and Robyn have so much in common.  Like, the love of legos, and Goose Bumps. :)  Like her, he likes his toys, and they played Monopoly for a while.  Cutest. Thing. Ever.  Special Olympics has been such a Godsend for us.  Robyn now has friends who are like her, and enjoy her company, and want to hang out with her.  They do their sports together, and have real friendships.  They are SO ACCEPTING of each other.  Non judgmental.  We could all learn a lot from these kids.  

My eldest darling daughter Amy is 21 years old today.   Wow.  How did my baby grow up so fast?   She's been working at the same store for almost two years.  Artist, self taught photo editor, writer, and music lover... and ninja!  Researching her organic herbs and teas... and her restless, inquisitive mind...  love my girl!   

And, she has FINALLY rid herself of the jobless lazy bum she'd dated for a year.   Thank you God.  She's had a few total losers. The two worst were:

**Mr Control Freak, (also known as Mr Narcissistic, The Manipulator, and the Compulsive Liar)

**Mr "I'm gonna be a music star" (please first get some talent and a personality) who would not get a GED or a job.. and I feel pretty sure one day he'll be 30 and still mooching off his enabling parents.   Good grief.  

She's had more of course, but those two were the worst.  My darling daughter has had some crappy boyfriend experience at this point.   I have told her to quit doing her "fishing" with a Dixie cup.  All she's getting is tadpoles.  She's got to get out into the deeper water..  that's where the more choice fish swim. :)   Her tacklebox is put up though.  Burnt out on fishing.  One's going to have to swim into her net.    And if he's a jerk too, I say lets fry him up for supper and serve him with chips.  LOL

Amy's smart and gorgeous.  She'll go places. :)    

So my girlies are both having birthdays, and we're celebrating this weekend.  They'll see Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and a few friends. :)  I've got the cake ordered and a room reserved for dinner.  I'm looking forward to seeing them enjoy themselves.  :)

So, since it's Amy's birthday, and we're not 'officially' celebrating tonight, I do what I can to make her day special.   It's a meatless Friday, so I made a well enjoyed meatless supper.   I had some leftover fresh organic peaches, and I just blended them with some ice...  Yumm...   We'll watch a movie or play a game.  Early to bed though, for Robyn's swim competition tomorrow.   

Hubby is coming home, and Amy gets off early tomorrow.  I love my family home.  It will be a good weekend.  Thank you Lord, for these blessings!