Saturday, November 26, 2011

Advent Begins!!!

Lets see a show of hands.  How many are SO EXCITED for Advent??!!  Count me as one with both hands raised!! :)

Tonight I located our Advent wreath.  My youngest daughter Robyn located the candles and put them in the wreath and got it in position on our dining room table.   This isn't the best picture, but it gives you some idea. :)

We also have the Advent "House" that I will post about and show later, as it is still hiding in the attic!   I need to find and cut out all the bible verses corresponding to each day in Advent, and put up our wee tree we'll be using as a Jesse tree, and I'm getting those ornaments ready within the next few days!  I am excited!!

Along with tomorrow being the First Sunday in Advent, it is also, as every Catholic knows, the first 'official' Sunday of the New Translation... closer and more beautiful to the original!!  Yes, that means learning the new responses and the new prayers, but if it deepens our faith and helps us draw closer to God and helps us in this, our faith journey, then I am ready to dive right in!  


  1. Susan,

    My hand is up!!! Both of them too.

    I love your wreath. Will you add any greenery? And you have decided to make a Jesse tree. Wonderful!

    I wish we had an attic to store everything away in. That would be so handy. Instead we have an overflowing garage which has no room to house our cars. They live outside on the driveway.

    The new translation of the Mass? It's so beautiful. A great Advent gift to the Church.


  2. Me too!! I have my candles! I stored them in my closet, I use the large ones from the shrine! Iuse to keep everything in my garage and it melted! I need to find my wreath we made last year (we moved again) and have a sick baby...I SO want to do a Jesse Tree also. MAss today was beautiul , what little I was INSIDE! Peace Momma!
