Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Boundaries is something we all have to set up for ourselves, for our sanity.. for our peace of mind.   Our backyard fence is a boundary... keeping our pets and kids inside, and stray (potentially dangerous) animals and people out.  But, there is a gate.  We alone decide who we open that gate for, and who we close the gate for, and when to put a lock on it.  

Boundaries are not just for yards and gardens.  They are for our homes, our lives, and our hearts.   I choose to allow family and friends, and people who love me, "in".  But to someone who does not have my best interest at heart... or to someone who wants to use me and lie to me and hurt me or my family, I must close that gate.  

Sometimes we have to set a boundary for the ones closest to us... and that HURTS...  I don't know about anyone else, but putting a boundary on someone I love breaks my heart.  But when that person is hurting others... that leaves you no choice. :(

My Catholic bubble feels a lot smaller and sadder tonight.  


  1. Susan, I am so sorry that you are sad right now. I'm also sorry that your gate has closed on someone. If you need me...I'm here to support you anyway I can. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

  2. Thank you dear friend... Love you my Sister! <3

    1. Susan, so sorry that you have had to put up a new boundary! I had to learn how to do that also this past year and it has been hard and hurtful. It was to people I loved a lot too but I realized that my boundaries were inappropriate and that is why they kept meddling and harming me. It has been very difficult for me to get used to it but I know that I really needed to do it a long, long time ago. My prayers are with you at this difficult time. I am walking down the same road with you! Blessings, Sue

  3. Sue, I am sorry to know you're in the same boat as me. Yes, it really, REALLY is hurtful when you have to do that. "Tough Love"... it's tough on the heart! :( And yes, very had to get used to it. Our Lord and His Mother will get us through it all.. Praise God for that... thank you for your comment and prayers, my dear friend! ♥

  4. Susan...it's U2 fan Kelli from WI!!! I found you!!! :) I hope I can be part of your bubble again!!!
